March 10, 2015
When I was a kid, my class celebrated Purim and we ate Hamantaschen. I didn’t like them. They were a pasty bore. I remember thinking that since Haman (the Hamantaschen’s namesake) was a bad man, that’s why the Hamantaschen didn’t taste good (these are the machinations of little girls)! So, when I saw that we were making Hamantaschen this week, I at least felt willing to re-experience what I remember as being an unpalatable “treat.” When they were baked and cooled, I tasted one, and they were nothing like I remembered. The fragrant filling made so much sense to me. They are genuinely delicious, and if I had only been given THESE Hamantaschen when I was a kid, I would have been a lot more enthusiastic about Purim.
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