March 10, 2015
I’ve made Rose’s upside-down cakes before–pineapple I think. Her sour cream batter is ridiculously delicious. Honestly though, I felt uncertain about caramelizing cranberries, as I prefer them fresh and uncooked. After all, the charm of upside down cake is the caramelized fruit. The typical method with pineapple or apples is to melt butter and brown sugar in a skillet, caramelize the fruit directly in the pan, layer the cake batter over the fruit, and bake it in the skillet (or in a cake pan if you prefer). Even then, the sugar usually doesn’t reach 330F because the apples or pineapple would dissolve. But for this recipe, Rose cooks the butter and sugar to the caramel stage independently, cools it in a cake pan, rolls the raw cranberries over the cooled sugar, smooths the cake batter over the fruit, then bakes it (on a baking stone if you need more caramelization). I find this a very clever go around on tradition.
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